photo of man jumping on sand

Process Analysis – Finding Bottlenecks

Keywords: #ProcessImprovement #Bottleneck #HowTo #ProcessMining #QueueingTheory #LittlesLaw Bottlenecks are choke points or concentrated area which are either taking a long time to run, or so heavily utilized such that the process is taking longer than expected to run. As you can imagine, it creates such negative user connotation on user experience, it is always one …

black binocular on round device

Fantastic Event Logs and Where to Find Them

Keywords: #EventLogs #ProcessImprovement #ProcessMining #HowTo #RACI #Governance Event logs are a special type of data that store the events that happened, usually for a software system. With a little effort, event logs can be probed and harvested for hidden and valuable insights, considering that they reflect very accuracy the actual events that occurred. The discovered …

9 Common Goals of Business Process Improvement

Keywords: #BusinessProcessImprovement, #Goals, #Bottlenecks, #Automation, #Time, #ProcessDiscovery #ProcessMining Processes are a wonderful way to work. When properly designed, it creates cohesion between related tasks that when performed together, achieve a much grander goal than individual task. Putting it simply, processes are a connected sequence of steps, tasks or activities taken together to achieve a defined …